Michelle & Raymond
Your Support Can Make a Lifeline: Helping Raymond and Michelle Overcome Daily Challenges
Your Support Can Make a Lifeline: Helping Raymond and Michelle Overcome Daily Challenges
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Michelle's battle with schizophrenia began at the age of 12, when a traumatic experience triggered the onset of her symptoms. After becoming jealous over a crush, she lashed out at another girl, only to later realize that the boy was the true source of her distress. This emotional turmoil marked the beginning of her schizophrenia, which progressively worsened over the years. Her father, unable to manage her condition, placed her in a children's home for behavioral services at 13. She was given medication and lived there until she turned 18, when she had to leave due to age restrictions.
At this point, her father, deeply concerned about her future, provided her with an apartment. However, Michelle, still struggling with her mental health, took a bus to visit her grandmother. Her grandmother, overwhelmed and frightened by Michelle's schizophrenia, blocked the door with a wheelchair and handed her a soda through the crack. Michelle sat at the bus stop nearby, where she met Raymond, a man with autism. She offered to share her diet coke with him. He had been praying for years for a wife, and when he met Michelle, he immediately felt she was sent from God. They were married two weeks later and have been together for over 40 years. Raymond cherishes Michelle, constantly expressing his gratitude for her and how lucky he is to have her in his life.
Raymond’s therapy and coping mechanisms are centered around his deep faith. He spends hours each day reading the Bible, often for three hours, and prays every half hour. He has read the Bible at least 25 times and listens to Christian music as part of his mental therapy. This devotion brings him comfort and structure in his life. Meanwhile, Michelle, though living with her challenges, is constantly adapting to going with the flow in her daily life. Together, they form a deeply loving and supportive couple, each helping the other navigate their unique struggles with compassion and faith.
Michelle faces a number of complex health challenges that make daily life incredibly difficult. She regularly visits two neurologists—one specializing in her moods and the other in assessing physical brain symptoms such as potential brain damage—and also sees an allergy specialist for ongoing issues. Unfortunately, her mental health struggles have affected her ability to care for basic needs, including her oral health. Due to her condition, Michelle was unable to understand or manage proper dental hygiene, which has led to her losing teeth. While she uses mouthwash, she doesn’t have the capacity to comprehend how brushing could help preserve her teeth, leaving her emotionally distraught each time she loses another one.
Beyond her oral health, Michelle’s mental health challenges, which may include bipolar disorder, OCD, and dementia, make it difficult for her to process and handle the demands of daily life. At 57, she still doesn’t know her own address and struggles with overwhelming anxiety and confusion. Simple things, like shoes on the carpet or bits of paper, cause extreme stress, and she often finds herself defensive, feeling manipulated or misunderstood. She can only process short sentences, making communication difficult, and she often talks incessantly, even if it disrupts Raymond’s attempts to rest or watch TV. Despite these struggles, she remains a loving and resilient individual, but her daily life requires ongoing support, a tremendous amount of attention and care.
Raymond, who is autistic, takes allergy medicine every day. Raymond also faces physical limitations due to multiple accidents, including being hit by a car five times. He doesn't know how to cross a street safely, resulting in him walking into oncoming traffic. These incidents have left him with a crooked shoulder, bad knee, and calf, making it difficult for him to maintain balance. As a result, he often falls and struggles with mobility. Though he uses a grocery cart for support when walking to the store, it would be greatly beneficial for him to have a proper walker designed for his needs, offering more stability and safety.
Transportation is a major challenge for Michelle, particularly when it comes to medical appointments. Her neurologist is in San Marcos, and she lives in Santee, meaning the round trip can be long, especially depending on the time of day. Michelle is a recluse and the extended time spent in a car causes her significant stress and trauma. T
Transportation is a major challenge for Michelle, particularly when it comes to medical appointments. Her neurologist is in San Marcos, and she lives in Santee, meaning the round trip can be long, especially depending on the time of day. Michelle is a recluse and the extended time spent in a car causes her significant stress and trauma. To make the journey more manageable, I’ve found that offering a small treat helps. I tell her we’ll stop at her favorite donut shop along the way, where she can pick up a couple of donuts and a coffee. This small incentive helps calm her and makes the trip more bearable.
However, even with this distraction, Michelle still becomes overwhelmed during the drive, especially towards the end. As we approach the last 10 minutes of the trip, she repeatedly asks, "Aren't we there yet?" or "How come we’re not there?" This shows how much stress she feels being in the vehicle for that extended period. Michelle’s anxiety is a major barrier to her getting the necessary care, and her need for more comfortable, less stressful transportation is critical. A reliable vehicle or transportation assistance would significantly reduce the emotional toll these trips take on her.
What helps the most is getting home to their beloved "Fuzzy Kitty" who is an absolute family member. Michelle shares every moment of her life with Fuzzy. When she gets up to go to the other room she let's Fuzzy know she will be right back with a cold drink of water for herself and she also brings Fuzzy a fresh bowl of cold water. Fuzzy has 7 bowls of food and water so no matter what room he is in, there is fresh food and water. She changes Fuzzy's kitty litter several times per day so he always has clean litter and she vacuums the kitty litter that get's thrown on the carpet. Raymond and Michelle both deeply love this 4 year old feline family member beyond what words can ever possibly say. Cat food, cat treats and cat toys would be a wonderful addition to the home.
Raymond and Michelle face significant challenges when it comes to food expenses. While they do receive some food donations from their church and the government once a month, their limited income of $32,000 a year makes it difficult to cover all their needs. This budget forces them to live on about $4 a day for food, which requires them to
Raymond and Michelle face significant challenges when it comes to food expenses. While they do receive some food donations from their church and the government once a month, their limited income of $32,000 a year makes it difficult to cover all their needs. This budget forces them to live on about $4 a day for food, which requires them to be incredibly resourceful. Michelle, for example, often buys a candy cane to satisfy her sweet cravings for the day, and the couple's splurge on a Diet Coke is a rare treat. They both love the drink, but it's a luxury they can afford only occasionally, despite their desire to have it more frequently. Michelle's ideal choice would be a fountain Diet Coke with ice, but even that remains an infrequent indulgence.
Michelle also faces dietary restrictions due to having very few teeth, which limits her food options to soft foods. She enjoys oatmeal, rice, shakes, graham crackers, and milk, while apples are a distant wish, leaving her to settle for applesauce. She sometimes feels sad that she can't enjoy whole foods like others, but she makes do with what she can. Raymond, on the other hand, enjoys coffee with powdered creamer, but only drinks Folgers coffee, which they brew at home to save money. Michelle also drinks coffee, but often at night, which affects her sleep without her fully understanding the impact of caffeine. Her unique thought processes sometimes lead her to surprising conclusions, like craving milk for calcium or orange juice for vitamin C, even if the reasoning might be disconnected from her needs.
Food, while an essential part of their lives, remains a significant source of stress for Raymond and Michelle. Their limited budget means that even basic nutrition is a challenge, and they often have to make difficult choices to ensure they have enough to eat. Donations would help them afford the foods and beverages they need to maintain their health and comfort, while also allowing them to enjoy some of the simple pleasures they currently have to forgo.
Raymond and Michelle have many pressing needs that significantly impact their daily lives. They both require shoes fashioned with Velcro and mobility aids, including a walker and a cane, to assist Raymond with walking. In addition, they are in desperate need of basic clothing and essentials such as shoes, socks, pants, and shirts. Due to
Raymond and Michelle have many pressing needs that significantly impact their daily lives. They both require shoes fashioned with Velcro and mobility aids, including a walker and a cane, to assist Raymond with walking. In addition, they are in desperate need of basic clothing and essentials such as shoes, socks, pants, and shirts. Due to incontinence issues, they also urgently need new sheets, pillows, a couch, kitchen chairs, as well as underwear—both of them have specific preferences, such as preferring cotton over nylon and insisting on white underwear, though they often have very little. This is compounded by Michelle's severe germ phobia, which means that she changes clothes multiple times a day and even throws clothes away if they become soiled. They also need towels, bath rug, shampoo, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, cups, glasses, dish soap, scrubbers, mop system, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, repairman for repair for broken drawers, toilet and droopy blinds.
The amount of laundry they do is overwhelming, with two to three loads every day. This is made even more challenging by Michelle's obsession with cleanliness, where even the slightest stain or perceived contamination will prompt her to change her clothes and dispose of them. Their need for basic clothing and hygiene essentials is vital to maintaining their dignity and well-being.
Both also need proper winter clothing. Michelle, who is underweight and often feels cold, wears long underwear even during the summer to stay warm, while Raymond is the opposite and tends to overheat. They both sleep in a queen-sized bed, which can be challenging for both, especially with the temperature differences. Meeting their basic needs for clothing, mobility aids, and hygiene products would drastically improve their quality of life and offer them some relief from their daily struggles.
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